It’s easy to train sales staff

It is critical to thoroughly train sales personnel. The bottom line of the company is decided by the front-line sales representatives. However, train sales staff has become a headache for many organizations for a variety of reasons. Indeed, adopting a new field force into the company’s sales force, in particular, has become a much more difficult and costly process, with both direct and indirect opportunity costs.

Moreover, due to involving high cost, short and quick training procedure, sales representatives have become more artificial than the human. Also, They deliver memorized essay which feels more robot type for customers without any emotions in it.

With over 15 years of experience in the sales and marketing field, as well as 10 years of experience training and coaching sales force, I have mastered and tested some simple and effective methods for developing productive sales staff.

Here are my 5 points to train field force effectively

Take a look, try them and let me know if it works for you,

01. First 4 days trainer should be the sales person & let new sales person to play the role of customer.

02. Ask him/her to prepare all the problem he has as a customer.

03. Guide him to find answers for them through your promotional materials

04. Now start to deliver your script but tell him/her a story about your product, its value, how customer feel it, their endorsements

05. Ask him to prepare small story about the products, ask to present it as a story

How to train sales representative to be animative

People who are animated win the hearts of others. Salespeople who persuade customers and produce exceptional results, and they are always animative in front of their customers. As well as, they capture the attention of the customers and allow them to participate in the conversation. Especially, they make certain that the sales visit is more interactive than the one-way delivery.

Here are some boxes to tick if sale representative want to be animative in their role.  

  1. You voice should be clear to the listener
  2. Your hand should move politely
  3. Your eyebrows should align with what you talk
  4. Keep live facial muscles and it should react when he/she talk and listen (Be an active listener)
  5. Make it conversational, let the customer show his/her all the emotions and show your reaction to be active listener

So, what do you think? Isn’t it easy train sales staff in this model?

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