Every Medical Representative should ask these questions by themselves everyday.

Here are the important questions for medical representative to ask daily from themselves to be successful medical sales personals.

  1. Why Medical Doctor (MD) should prescribe my products?
  2. Do I have a story to present in front of the customer?
  3. Do I know my prospect’s pain points?
  4. What could be the key line that I can stimulate my prospect to get a buying signal?
  5. What is the prescription behavior of my target customer?
  6. What would be the 1st two things I can discuss with MDs?
  7. What questions or discussion topics might be raised by the customers?
  8. Am I ready to exhibit impactful facial expressions?
  9. What key points can I use secretly to beat the competition?
  10. What should be my closing statement?

Medical Representatives can practice these questions with the help of their supervisors. Indeed, brand managers or product managers may help them to understand these situations properly. Also, they are the experts to provide answers for all those self made questions. If you want to understand how to become successful Medical Sales Rep quickly skim the below paragraph.

How to become a successful Medical Representative within 6 months?

  • Take 3 months focus 100% to improve your knowledge on products.
  • Concentrate on the given territory for another 2 months.
  • Try to visit all the pharmacies in the territory within 2 months, just visit them.
  • Map the market by yourself on Excel sheet. Follow the given hospital categorization by the management. Also, categorize the pharmacies.
  • Now collect competitive product information. Search for their edges. Understand direct and indirect competitors.
  • Select 5 prospects or customers from each small geography and study their, character, prescription habits, their interests all related personal and professional information. Try to make a persona for those selected individuals.
  • Now you are ready to do a smart medical promotions, take 6 months to complete the process. Also, consider within those 6 months you may not have the rest but, sure after the period you are good to rest and harvest what you have cultivated.

Probably you need 6 months to complete this project. Now you are a strong contender to be a successful medical representative.

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