What is the best marketing approach for product promotional brochures?

The best marketing approach for pharmaceutical product promotional brochures is to answer the question or questions of customers. But you should find the most relevant and burning one or two issues. 

However,  you should present them all in a story layout to keep the readers’ interest till the end. Additionally, I thoroughly believe if you still do not follow the storytelling technique in your brochures’, you are ignoring one of the powerful tools in the marketing world. 

So, start the brochure by answering in this order. The order is WHY, HOW & WHAT, instead of the traditional method WHAT, HOW & WHY, but sometimes in the traditional approach, marketers miss even the WHY. 

Moreover, the way that you present the story inside the brochure will decide how long customers will read it and how long they will retrieve the information provided.

However, you may want to adjust your approach according to the situation or requirement that you want to prepare a product promotional brochures. 

Read further down to understand the different occasions that a new brochure is required. 

Where to start to develop product promotional brochures?

Indeed, we think of new product promotional brochures in below occasions. 

  1. New product launch
  2. Brand re-launch
  3. To start a new marketing campaign
  4. To implement a new marketing plan
  5. Firm’s annual growth is declining or when require a further growth
  6. At the time, when a new competitor enters the market
  7. When management decided to penetrate the market
  8. When management identified a new market

There might be more occasions that you think of a new brochure. But those are highly potential and probable situations. 

According to the occasion, your approach should be adjusted. Each situation has its issues to answer. For example, let’s take the moment where your brand is declining and market share is losing. So, you and the management decided to start a new promotional campaign and a new brochure also one part of it.

By this time you should do a survey and find all those mere reasons to decline the growth of the brand. Then, you should develop a brochure to cater to all those reasons. 

But, when you prepare a brochure for a new product launch, then you should study all the market elements. Starting from the fundamentals such as market segment, target, differentiation, and positioning. Also, other factors such as competitor promotions, if competitors are available. Read our new article about a guide to new product launches.

Hope you may understand how you should change the approach on two different occasions.

What should be the brochure layout?

Layout for pharmaceutical product promotional brochures
Layout for pharmaceutical product promotional brochures

As I mentioned in the above first paragraph of the article, the common tactic layout should be WHY, HOW & WHAT. This is the layout we all like to associate as readers or customers. Also, this is the layout that appeals to customers’ emotions or subconscious mind. 

Indeed, this layout gives you a great flow to the story. Storytelling ensures more conversions rather than conservative medical detailing. Read the best layout for the product promotional brochures according to the storytelling

  1. Why – Tell “why” your customer should buy or prescribe the particular brand. Create a conflict to start your story in the brochure. You might not want facts and figures here or you can use a few proofs. 
  2. How – Now tell “How” you are going to solve the above-mentioned conflict and customer’s existing issues with competitive brands (If available). Show them that you have the best solutions and again backed them with scientific proofs.
  3. What – Inform about your product in this segment of the brochure. You can provide further scientific documents to prove that your product can solve their issues and raise conflict in the “WHY” segment. In this segment, you talk about your product offering and you should prove them because we are in an ethical business.

Traditionally pharmaceutical brochures are developed to detail or for medical detailing. However, detailing and storytelling are two broader different concepts. Read our blog post about storytelling for interesting facts.  

How to plan the front page of the product promotional brochures?

Some marketers think, this is just a general wrapping for a brochure and they don’t pay any attention to this. They try to include whatever goes with brand colours and whatever shoot with the product’s indications. Also, they assume the brochure inside is the only vital part of the brochure. Don’t pay the least attention to the front page and ruin the first impression. See, isn’t this the common approach of you for brochure development.   

If the product is for the geriatric segment they use aged people on the front page. Same way, if it is for the paediatric segment they use kids on the front page of the brochure. You might be laughing right now if you are also one of them.

7 Things you should concern when developing the front page

  1. What type of marketing plan you have for the product or brand?
  2. Is brochure for a particular season or marketing campaign?
  3. Does the front page justify the UVP of the brand and is there relevance with it?
  4. How are you going to relate the brand and front page?
  5. How do you relate the brand to its tagline or slogan?
  6. What type of impact or impression do you need to create before they enter into the inside story?
  7. How supportive the front page to the inside story flow?

Somebody might think why am I not concerned about the things related to brandings such as brand inherent qualities, brand colours, brand identities and the brand feel. But those are basic and compulsory things to be worry as a brand manager or a marketer.

I hope to write another article related to the product promotional brochures development soon.

Common questions you should answer in the brochure?

Issues or the question could differ from situation to situation when you develop product promotional brochures. But you should always keep in mind below common questions of the customers that should cover in the brochure.

  1. Why the product or particular brand should use or important to consider?
  2. Why the targeted indications should be cured or prevent before they progress?
  3. How the product is going to help or beneficial for the so-called indication?
  4. How the product or brand solve the conflict or clinical indications?
  5. Is there a strong scientific background of the product for its indications?
  6. What are the available supportive trials or studies?
  7. What are the product features and benefits?

There are might be a wider scope of questions you should answer, but these are the most probable and potential ones. 

In a conclusion, you should try to motivate the prospect or customer to read through the brochure. Especially, make sure you achieve the objectives that expected by developing the brochure. So, let us know your feedback on this. Share the article through your social media channels.

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