How to prepare a winning marketing plan for a pharma brand?

How to prepare a winning marketing plan for a pharma brand

Consumer brand or a pharmaceutical brand, every year you need a marketing plan despite what industry you represent. However, here I am going to tell you how to prepare a pharmaceutical marketing plan for a pharma brand from a simple few steps. Let’s crack this.

Here you go, follow the below steps to prepare a winning marketing plan. 11 steps for your pharmaceutical brand.

  1. Do a situational analysis for your brand and for your company.
  2. Understand your products and its potential for the market by analyzing the prevalence of the condition.
  3. Analyze the competition, recognize the perfect competition for your brand and rate their competitive advantage against your brand.
  4. Show your objective quantitatively and qualitatively.  
  5. Determine and plan your segment, target, positioning and differentiation. 
  6. Properly define your 4Ps – Product, promotion, people, price (Just limit to 4, though you can expand it till 7 Ps) 
  7. Choose your core strategy for the brand.
  8. Extract or breakdown your chosen strategy till your internal stakeholders understand it. 
  9. Cascade down your strategy into tactics.
  10. Bring your strategy to the market as activities which run through the entire year.
  11. Make a profit & loss account to show your expected topline and bottom line.

Planning is great as long as you implement it practically. So, read the above 11 steps to know how to implement them. 

1. Situational Analysis in a pharmaceutical marketing plan

What is situational analysis? It says, how existing situations in the macro and micro environment support your brand to succeed. In this part you would explain, external environment and internal environment (your organization’s situation). You can rate it, explain it, predict it and highlight the points which are important and directly impact on your brand.

The idea is to do a ground analysis before starting your comprehensive marketing plan for a medical brand. Believe me, this analysis will help not only for your audience but also for you also to get 360 degree knowledge about the brand. 

Situational analysis is a crucial aspect of developing a successful pharma marketing plan. It involves assessing the current market conditions, identifying the competition, and understanding the needs of the target audience. By conducting a thorough situational analysis, pharmaceutical companies can gain valuable insights that can help them make informed decisions about their marketing strategies.

To begin with, conducting a situational analysis helps pharma companies understand the market trends, opportunities, and challenges. This information enables them to develop marketing strategies that are aligned with the current market conditions.

Furthermore, a situational analysis helps identify the competition and their marketing strategies. This information is valuable as it enables pharma companies to differentiate themselves from the competition and create unique value propositions that appeal to the target audience.

Moreover, conducting a situational analysis also helps pharma companies understand the needs of their target audience. Understanding the needs of the target audience is critical as it helps pharma companies develop products and services that cater to the needs of their target audience.

This approach helps companies develop a strong value proposition that is tailored to the needs of the target audience, which is key to creating a successful marketing plan.

In conclusion, conducting a situational analysis is critical for the success of a pharma marketing plan. It helps companies gain valuable insights into the market conditions, competition, and the needs of their target audience. This information is crucial for developing marketing strategies that are aligned with the current market conditions and cater to the needs of the target audience.

2. Analyze the brand and its potential      

Define why your brand is important to the market, its features and benefits, how does it beat the competition or its competitive advantage. Also, show how prevalent the condition your medical brand targeting. Especially, rate how helpful it is to treat its recommended indications.

Understanding the potential of a pharmaceutical product is crucial when developing a marketing plan. This involves analyzing the product’s capabilities, strengths, features, benefits, and how it acts on the human body. By conducting a comprehensive analysis, pharmaceutical companies can develop marketing strategies that are tailored to the product’s unique characteristics.

To begin with, it is essential to understand the product’s capabilities and strengths. This information helps identify the unique selling points of the product, which can be leveraged in marketing campaigns. Understanding the product’s features is also crucial as it enables companies to communicate its benefits to the target audience.

This approach helps position the product effectively in the market, which is key to creating a successful marketing plan.

Furthermore, it is critical to understand how the product acts on the human body. This information helps companies identify the specific medical conditions that the product can address. Understanding the medical conditions that the product can address is crucial as it helps companies develop targeted marketing strategies that appeal to the specific needs of the target audience.

In conclusion, understanding the potential of a pharmaceutical product is critical when developing a marketing plan. It involves analyzing the product’s capabilities, strengths, features, benefits, and how it acts on the human body. By conducting a comprehensive analysis, pharmaceutical companies can develop marketing strategies that are tailored to the product’s unique characteristics. This approach helps position the product effectively in the market, which is key to creating a successful marketing plan.

3. Analyze the competition in your pharmaceutical marketing plan

One of the important sections of the marketing plan, and the area that pays the highest attention when I prepare the marketing plan. Also, this is where you can show how analytical you are for your brand and how critical your marketing plan is, if the brand needs the success. Also, you can logically prove your strategic decisions with a proper analysis to its competitive brands. All you want to do is, analyze and present the top 5 most important direct and indirect competitors. Especially the elements such as, target market of them, position, differentiation, price, they key customers, strategies, campaign and activities, corporate structure, promotional team and budget. If you can find all those critical points of your competitors, believe me next year your brand either would be 1st place or within top 5. So, here is the further explanation.  

Before developing a marketing plan for a pharmaceutical product, it is crucial to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the competition. Analyzing your pharmaceutical competitors enables you to identify their strengths and weaknesses, as well as their marketing strategies. This information is critical when developing a marketing plan as it helps companies position their product effectively in the market.

To begin with, it is essential to identify the key players in the market. Once you have identified your competitors, you can analyze their products, pricing, and promotional strategies. Analyzing their products helps identify the unique selling points of their products, which can be leveraged in developing your marketing plan. Furthermore, analyzing their pricing strategies helps you understand the pricing dynamics of the market, which is key to developing a competitive pricing strategy.

In addition, analyzing your competitors’ promotional strategies provides insights into the marketing channels that are most effective in the market. This information can help companies develop targeted marketing strategies that are effective in reaching their target audience.

Finally, it is essential to identify your competitors’ weaknesses. Understanding your competitors’ weaknesses provides opportunities for your company to differentiate itself in the market. This approach helps companies develop marketing strategies that are unique and appealing to the target audience.

In conclusion, analyzing your pharmaceutical competitors is crucial when developing a marketing plan. It helps companies identify their strengths and weaknesses, as well as their marketing strategies. By analyzing the competition, pharmaceutical companies can position their product effectively in the market, develop targeted marketing strategies, and differentiate themselves in the market.

4. Show your quantitative and qualitative objectives to your internal stakeholders

Marketing plan is for your internal stakeholders. Well, your superiors or top management should approve your marketing plan if you want to implement it. Then, you should grab their attention. The best way to do it, show them a SMART objective that you are aiming to achieve in the particular time period. However, present it in both forms qualitative, and quantitative. As an example; 

Qualitative – Brand X will be the top of the mind vitamin brand in Y country (Your country or particular geographical area) by the end of year YYYY. 

Quantitative – Brand X will achieve USD 1 million by the end of year YYYY. 

Now it is easy to unfold your marketing plan story to the audience. Then, from here onwards, you are going to answer the below obvious questions. 

  1. How are you going to achieve the above objectives?
  2. What is your strategy?
  3. What is your market? 
  4. What is your segment? 
  5. What is your target market?
  6. How do you differentiate against competitors in the market?
  7. What are your 4 or 5 or 7 Ps?
  8. What are your tactics and activities to achieve this?
  9. How do you fund this plan or budget?
  10. What ROI will you have for us? 

Isn’t it easy? All you want to do is think like a business owner or just think like you are the audience. Further, imagine that somebody is telling you in the new year that he or she has set a goal and you question back from her or him. Indeed most of the questions may be almost similar.

The best way to do this, think simple and easy. You are going to make a winning marketing plan for a pharma brand. Here, we go. 

5. Determine and plan your segment, target, positioning and differentiation in pharmaceutical marketing plan.

marketing plan for pharma industry
marketing plan for pharma industry

Ok now relax and unveil your plan step by step. Indeed, you can start it with which market you are targeting and where your brand will be positioned. Also, to be successful you have to beat the competition as you are not alone in the market. Hence, show its differentiations or pretend that your brand has valuable differences than the competitors. Yes, tell your customers, what is your differentiation over competition. For me, this is the most interesting area of the entire marketing plan.

When preparing a pharmaceutical marketing plan, it is crucial to determine and plan your segment, target, positioning, and differentiation. These elements help companies focus on their target audience and differentiate themselves from their competitors.

The first step is to determine the target segment. This involves identifying the specific group of customers who are most likely to benefit from the product. Once the target segment has been identified, the next step is to determine the target audience. This includes analyzing demographic and psychographic factors such as age, gender, income, lifestyle, and attitudes.

Once the target audience has been identified, the next step is to develop a positioning strategy. So, this involves identifying the unique selling proposition (USP) of the product and communicating it to the target audience. Indeed, the USP is the key benefit that sets the product apart from its competitors.

Differentiation is the final element in developing a marketing plan. You should be able to identify the key differences between the product and its competitors. Also, differentiation helps companies position their product effectively in the market and communicate its benefits to the target audience.

When developing a pharmaceutical marketing plan, it is important you keep in mind that the plan should be flexible and adaptable. As we know the market is constantly changing, and companies must be able to adjust their strategies to keep up with these changes.

In conclusion, determining and planning your segment, target, positioning, and differentiation is essential when preparing a pharmaceutical marketing plan. These elements help companies focus on their target audience, differentiate themselves from their competitors, and communicate the benefits of their product effectively. Especially, by keeping the plan flexible and adaptable, companies can stay ahead of the curve and succeed in the competitive pharmaceutical market.  

How do you differentiate from competitors in the market?

The brand differentiation may be in terms of price or features and benefits compared to the competition. Do you agree with me when I claim that buyers choose goods with more features and benefits over those with lower prices? Obviously, we all want to feel that we bought something worth our hard earned money. 

However, it is marketers’ and brand managers’ job to project positives and worthy perception about their brands. Find the below ways you can differentiate your brand.

  1. Differentiate your brand by highlighting the components that go into its creation.
  2. Differentiate your brand how/where ingredients are sourced. (Raw materials from your own country, from Europe, USA raw materials, hand made items etc.
  3. The technology your company has used or manufacturer has used for.
  4. What type of standards or protocols you are following when it is manufacturing. (Environmental friendly, latest technology orientation, sustainability)
  5. Highlight what is the main purpose of introducing the brand to the market, differentiate your purpose from the others.
  6. Highlight your packaging differences, say why your brand came up with the particular packaging, and make it a good story for your audience. 
  7. If the brand’s price is too high, give reasons to be expensive, and if it’s too low, tell your prospect how you offer the brand at such a low price. If you don’t have a story, just create a story for that.   

6. Explain your 4Ps or 5Ps in your pharmaceutical marketing plan

It is up to you to determine your number of “P”s. 4Ps are, product, price, promotion and people. 

The “marketing mix” or “marketing 4Ps” is a framework that aids companies in creating and putting into action their marketing strategies. The four components of the marketing mix represented by the 4Ps are:

Product: The actual good or service that a company provides is referred to here. This covers everything, from the product’s appearance and characteristics to its caliber and packaging.

Price: This is the cost that a company places on its goods or services. Price should be set to be profitable while also being competitive with other similar products on the market.

Place: This refers to the channels of distribution that a company uses to market its goods or services. This covers both conventional retail establishments and internet markets.

Promotion: This is the process of promoting a company’s goods or services using marketing and advertising techniques. This might involve everything from television advertisements to social media marketing.

Businesses may construct a thorough marketing strategy that is intended to reach and engage with their target audience by taking these four factors into account and developing a marketing strategy that does so. Thus, the 4Ps are a tried-and-true framework for creating and executing marketing strategies, but it’s crucial to remember that in contemporary marketing, the emphasis has changed towards customer experience, personalization, and cultivating relationships with customers.

The term “people factor” refers to the persons or groups engaged in marketing efforts both inside and outside of the company.

Your organization’s marketing team, sales employees, and customer care agents who deal directly with clients are all included in the internal people component. Importantly, it is crucial to guarantee that all personnel who deal with consumers are informed, accommodating, and proud of the goods or services they represent.

Your target audience’s demands, tastes, and behaviors are referred to as the people factor from an external perspective. Your company or the company must comprehend their consumers in order to develop goods and marketing strategies that appeal to their wants and desires. In order to foster customer relationships and brand loyalty, this entails creating tailored messaging and communication tactics that connect with the target demographic.

In conclusion, the marketing mix’s “people” component acknowledges the significance of the individuals and groups involved in marketing, both inside and outside the firm. Businesses can develop effective marketing strategies that lead to success by comprehending and successfully engaging with the target audience and making sure that internal staff is knowledgeable and helpful.

In This chapter you must explain your strategies for each element. 

  1. What would be your product?
  2. What is your pricing strategy or what would be the best to adopt?
  3. What is your promotion strategy?
  4. What would be your people’s plan for the business operation?

 7. Choose your core strategy for the brand

Nothing works till you identify your core brand strategy. You cannot play as an allrounder, you should understand your brand’s uniqueness and competitive advantages. According to this you can determine which path your brand should drive. As an example, what is your brand’s focus?

Is it cost leadership?

Is it differentiation focused?

To start, you need to identify your brand’s uniqueness and competitive advantages. What sets your brand apart from the competition? What do you offer that others do not? Once you have a clear understanding of your brand’s unique value proposition, you can start developing a strategy that will help you leverage your strengths and overcome your weaknesses.

The next step is to determine which path your brand should drive. Depending on your brand’s focus, you can choose to pursue a cost leadership strategy or a differentiation-focused strategy. Cost leadership strategy is all about offering the lowest prices in the market. It is an excellent choice for brands that operate in highly competitive markets where price is a crucial factor for customers. However, pursuing a cost leadership strategy requires a business to be highly efficient in operations, procurement, and supply chain management.

On the other hand, a differentiation-focused strategy is all about offering a unique and valuable product or service to your customers. This strategy requires a business to invest heavily in research and development, branding, and marketing to differentiate itself from the competition. It is an excellent choice for brands that operate in niche markets, where customers are willing to pay a premium for a unique product or service.

Once you have determined your brand’s focus, it is essential to align all your business activities accordingly. This includes your product development, marketing, branding, and customer service. By doing so, you can ensure that every aspect of your business is working towards achieving your brand’s strategic goals.

In conclusion, identifying your core brand strategy is crucial for building a successful brand. It helps you understand your brand’s unique value proposition, determine your brand’s focus, and align all your business activities accordingly. By doing so, you can differentiate yourself from the competition, build a loyal customer base, and achieve long-term success in the marketplace. So, take the time to identify your core brand strategy, and your efforts will undoubtedly pay off in the long run.

8. Extract or breakdown your chosen strategy till your internal stakeholders understand it.        

Having a solid brand strategy is essential for building a successful business. However, it is not enough to develop a strategy and leave it at that. You need to ensure that all your internal stakeholders understand the strategy and are aligned with it. This is where breaking down your chosen strategy comes into play.

To begin with, you need to extract or break down your strategy into smaller, more digestible parts. This means breaking it down into specific goals, objectives, and action plans. By doing so, you can communicate your strategy more effectively to your internal stakeholders and ensure that everyone is on the same page.

The first step in breaking down your strategy is to define your specific goals. What do you want to achieve with your brand strategy? Is it to increase market share, improve customer loyalty, or drive revenue growth? Once you have defined your goals, you can break them down into specific objectives. For example, if your goal is to increase market share, your objectives may include launching new products, expanding into new markets, or improving your distribution network.

Next, you need to develop action plans to achieve your objectives. These action plans should include specific tactics and activities that you will undertake to achieve your objectives. For example, if your objective is to launch new products, your action plan may include conducting market research, developing product prototypes, and testing the products with focus groups.

Once you have developed your action plans, it is essential to communicate them effectively to your internal stakeholders. This means sharing your strategy with your employees, partners, and suppliers and ensuring that everyone understands their role in achieving your strategic goals. You can do this through regular team meetings, training sessions, and communication channels such as email and intranet.

Finally, it is important to monitor and evaluate your progress regularly. This means tracking your performance against your objectives and adjusting your strategy as needed. By doing so, you can ensure that you stay on track and continue to achieve your strategic goals over time.

In conclusion, breaking down your chosen strategy is a crucial step in ensuring that all your internal stakeholders understand it. By extracting your strategy into smaller, more manageable parts, you can communicate it more effectively and ensure that everyone is aligned with your strategic goals.

So, take the time to break down your strategy, communicate it effectively, and monitor your progress regularly. By doing so, you can build a successful brand that achieves its strategic objectives and delivers long-term value to your customers and stakeholders.

9. Cascade down your strategy into tactics.

Creating a strong brand strategy is just the first step towards building a successful business. Once you have developed your strategy, the next step is to cascade it down into specific tactics that you can use to achieve your strategic goals.

Thus, the process is known as cascading down your strategy, and it is essential for ensuring that everyone in your organization is working towards the same objectives.

To start, you need to define your strategic goals and objectives. These are the high-level targets that you want to achieve with your brand strategy, such as increasing revenue, improving customer satisfaction, or entering new markets. Once you have defined your strategic goals, you can begin cascading them down into specific tactics.

The first step in cascading down your strategy is to break your strategic goals down into more specific objectives. For example, if your strategic goal is to increase revenue, your objectives may include launching new products, expanding into new markets, or improving your sales process.

Once you have defined your objectives, you can begin developing specific tactics to achieve them. These tactics should be practical and actionable steps that you can take to achieve your objectives.

For example, if your objective is to launch new products, your tactics may include developing product prototypes, conducting market research, and creating a marketing plan.

The next step is to assign specific tasks and responsibilities to your team members. This includes defining who will be responsible for implementing each tactic and ensuring that everyone understands their roles and responsibilities. This can be done through regular team meetings, individual performance reviews, and project management tools.

Finally, it is important to monitor and evaluate your progress regularly. This means tracking your performance against your objectives and adjusting your tactics as needed. By doing so, you can ensure that you stay on track and continue to achieve your strategic goals over time.

Specially, when it comes to a pharmaceutical marketing plan, your decided strategy should be implemented in the market as tactics and activities. Let’s say, you are going to penetrate into the market, then what could be the tactics you use to penetrate into the market. What type of activities would be useful? 

Perhaps, you might have decided to expand towards a new indication for a medical brand, then how do you gather the audience around this new indication and which activities you use to make an impact for your audience.  

In conclusion, cascading down your strategy into tactics is a crucial step in ensuring that you achieve your strategic goals. By breaking your strategic goals down into specific objectives and developing practical tactics to achieve them, you can ensure that everyone in your organization is aligned with your strategic objectives.

So, take the time to cascade down your strategy, assign specific tasks and responsibilities, and monitor your progress regularly.

By doing so, you can build a successful brand that delivers long-term value to your customers and stakeholders.  

10. Bring your strategy to the market as activities which run through the entire year.   

Developing a strong brand strategy is essential for building a successful business. However, it is not enough to develop a strategy and leave it at that. To make your brand strategy effective, you need to bring it to the market as activities that run through the entire year.

Moreover, in a highly competitive and hostile pharmaceutical market, continued activities matter to keep your customers and potential customers active. 

The first step in bringing your brand strategy to the market is to identify the key activities that will help you achieve goals. This may include launching new products, improving customer service, or expanding into new markets. Once you have identified your key activities, you can begin planning and executing them over the course of the year.

One effective way to bring your brand strategy to the market is to develop a marketing calendar. This is a schedule of all the marketing activities that you will undertake over the course of the year. Your marketing calendar should include all the key activities that you have identified, as well as specific dates and deadlines for each activity.

So, this might be sponsoring for continuing medical educational programs such as annual medical congresses, advertise your brands in medical journals or magazines. 

However, I believe marketers or brand managers should be creative and smart to make a few different marketing campaigns.  

Another important step in bringing your brand strategy to the market is to ensure that your activities are aligned with your strategic goals. This means that every activity that you undertake should be designed to help you achieve your strategic objectives. For example, if your strategic goal is to increase revenue, every marketing activity that you undertake should be focused on driving sales.

It is also important to ensure that across all departments coordinate the activities and functions within your organization. This means that everyone in your organization should be working towards the same strategic objectives and that all activities should be integrated and complementary.

Finally, it is important to monitor and evaluate your activities regularly. This means tracking your performance against your strategic objectives and adjusting your activities as needed. By doing so, you can ensure that you stay on track and continue to achieve your strategic goals over time.

In conclusion, bringing your brand strategy to the market as activities that run through the entire year is essential for building a successful business.

By identifying key activities, developing a marketing calendar, ensuring alignment with your strategic goals, coordinating across all departments, and monitoring and evaluating your performance regularly. You can build a strong and effective brand strategy that delivers long-term value to your customers and stakeholders. Make your pharmaceutical marketing plan a interesting document for your stakeholders.

So, take the time to bring your brand strategy to the market as activities that run through the entire year. Then you will be well on your way to achieving your strategic objectives and building a successful business. 

Furthermore, this is where your creativity is tested. It doesn’t matter how strategic your marketing plan is but creativity brings your brands to the customers. 

11. Make a profit & loss account to show your expected topline and bottom line.

When it comes to building a successful business, developing a strong brand strategy is just the first step. To ensure that your business is profitable and sustainable in the long run, you need to have a clear understanding of your expected topline and bottom line. One way to do this is by creating a profit and loss (P&L) account.

A P&L account is a financial statement that shows the expected revenue and expenses of your business over a particular period, such as a year or a quarter.

The purpose of a P&L account is to give you a clear understanding of your expected income and expenses. Also, to help you identify areas where you can reduce costs or increase revenue.

To create a P&L account, you first need to identify all the revenue streams that your business is expected to generate over the period. This may include sales of products or services, rental income, or interest income, among others. Once you have identified your revenue streams, you can estimate the expected revenue from each stream.

Next, you need to identify all the expenses that your business is expected to incur over the period. This may include costs of goods sold, marketing expenses, rent, salaries, and taxes, among others. Once you have identified your expenses, you can estimate the expected expense for each item.

Once you have estimated your revenue and expenses, you can calculate your expected topline and bottom line. Your topline is your expected revenue, while your bottom line is your expected profit or loss after deducting all expenses from your revenue. If your bottom line is positive, it means that your business is on the track to make a profit over the period. If your bottom line is negative, it means that your business is heading towards making loss.

Creating a P&L account is an important step in building a successful business. It helps you to understand your expected income and expenses, and to identify areas where you can reduce costs or increase revenue.

By doing so, you can make informed decisions about how to allocate your resources and how to grow your business in a sustainable and profitable way.

In conclusion, creating a P&L account is an important part of building a successful business. By identifying your revenue streams, estimating your expenses, and calculating your expected topline and bottom line, you can make informed decisions about how to grow your business in a sustainable and profitable way.

So, take the time to create a P&L account, and use it to guide your business decisions and achieve your strategic objectives.

Overall, I propose you to think simple here, just explore new avenues to make a winning marketing plan, follow the structure I proposed but be creative and smart when you practically involve with preparing a marketing plan. Let me know your feedback on this blog article. Hope I added something valuable. 

Finally, if you like to know more about pharmaceutical marketing gather around our LinkedIn page. We will inform you early what’s happening around the pharma marketing.


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