Pharm Mechanic

Our Story

Pharm Mechanic is a website or blog that proposes and discusses how to apply the latest strategies, tactics, activities, and developments for pharmaceutical marketing. These articles are written by founder Ciba and a few other industry experts. However, if you want to write for us send your articles to [email protected] email.

The idea of starting a blog has planted in our founder Ciba’s mind due to his boring experience in the pharmaceutical marketing arena for more than 15 years. According to him, pharmaceutical marketing efforts remain the same for years and repeat the same strategies and activities despite any changes in the general marketing world (Especially in Asian region).

Let us go forward in this battle fortified by conviction that those who labour in the service of a great and good cause will never fail.

Let’s meet our founders,



Hi I have a long name so you can call me Ciba. As correctly mentioned above, I feel pharmaceutical marketing hasn’t changed for a long time and marketers in the industry repeatedly use the same aged old marketing strategies and activities with the fear of the ethical framework and regulations of the governing bodies. 

However, this modern world has provided us immense tools to apply into our industry too. But the question is, aren’t we too late to apply them into the pharmaceutical industry? Interestingly, how long are we going to repeat all those in a rapidly changing world? So Pharm Mechanic blog is a small effort to bring the marketing world’s new development into the pharmaceutical industry. At the end, effort is to make pharma marketers aware about the other marketing techniques that can apply into the pharmaceutical marketing.  

I am writing many articles with my experience in the industry , and I always discuss how to apply new marketing strategies into this ethical industry. So I invite the industry experts who like to think out of the pharmaceutical framework to give your valuable inputs as an article to this blog. 

We are marketers, let’s play our role to develop this industry by sharing our knowledge to apply general marketing techniques into the pharmaceutical industry too. 

By the way, meet the man behind this blog or Co-Founder of Pharm Mechanic blog Dhanukz. He developed this platform for us to discuss pharma marketing. 



Hi, I am Dhanukz. Though I am not an expert in the pharmaceutical industry, I am helping my best friend Ciba to develop this blog. So I am the one who develops the entire blog to attract your attention. Further. I am facilitating the running of the blog with its daily editing to connect the readers.

Meanwhile I am inviting you to join our Linkedin profile also which will bring you instant updates about the blog news and articles. further , that will be a great engagement platform for us to stay in touch on the go.

Send us your suggestion to improve the blog in future. As well as, you can submit your articles to us as Ciba mentioned above

We are ready to bring your more interesting content through our blog Pharm Mechanic.